
Snails and mussels add another dimension to the pond and create interest. We supply ramshorn snails which are benign, don't eat plants, just graze on algae. If required we do have great pond snails which tend to chew on plants.

Mussels are useful as a natural filter for a pond as they will clear green water. They siphon 10 gallons of water per day which passes through their body straining out the algae which they use as food. But unfortunately they will not clear blanket weed!



Anodonta cygnea Swan mussels Native

Planorbis corneus Rams horn snails Native

Unio pictorum Painter's mussles Native

Business hours - 2025

Open again on April the 1st 

For all enquiries for plant availability for 2025

Phone 01834831585 or email

See News for details.

Plant of the month

Caltha Palustris (Marsh Marigold or King Cup)

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